Kruger Album Review Silvery Nishikado EP
“Silvery have produced a tribute to the one and only Toshihiro Nishikado to whom we give gratitude for the remarkable invention that is Space Invaders – those little critters everyone knows and loves. Clearly, Nishikado is a hero to Silvery: this tribute could bring a tear to the eyes of the most hardened cynic. Following an initial pop-rock guitar-drums combo, a complete shift in direction transpires to what seems like a march through a warped funfair, for the likes of Susan Boyle, some might say. With wild synth riffs and vocals resembling David Bowie, Silvery suck you in to the unrestrained indie madness. Identity and Murder Holes continue the fairground theme, with unruly synth sections distinguishing Silvery from current and past indie bands.”